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发布时间:2021-02-25 00:21:25

1. 中学生学的英语是英式还是美式


2. 我们中学学习的是英语还是美式英语即美语


3. 要介绍美国生活和中学生学习的英语作文

Modern American culture is a juicy burger of mass culture garnished with 15 minutes of fame. It owes as much to marketing savvy, communications technology and mass-proction techniques as it does to artists and entertainers. If you can name it, American companies have invented, packaged and disseminated it to as many consumers as cheaply and conveniently as possible.

The elusive concept of 'American-ness' is often defined by cinema and television. The advent of TV in the 1950s shook Hollywood's hegemony to its core, but both forms of media have managed to coexist, even operating synergistically. The global distribution of American movies and TV shows has shaped the world's perception of the country to a high, if not completely accurate, degree.

The American music instry is the world's most powerful and pervasive, though groundswell movements remain the driving force of American pop. African Americans' influence, including blues, jazz and hip-hop, can hardly be exaggerated.

Rap, America's inner-city sound, places an equal emphasis on an ultraheavy beat, sound montage, street cred and macho posturing. Its appeal to middle-class white America will no doubt bemuse sociologists for decades.

The US has churned out a veritable forest of literature. The illustrious lineup begins with Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, Henry James and Edith Wharton, and moves into the modern era with William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, Jack 'Backpack' Kerouac, Arthur Miller, both the Williamses, Saul Bellow, John Updike and Toni Morisson..

After WWII, the focus of the international art world shifted from Paris to New York. Artists leaving war-torn Europe brought the remnants of surrealism to the Big Apple, inspiring a group of young American painters to create the first distinct American painting style, abstract expressionism.

The relentless ascendancy of mass media gave birth to pop art. Slick, surface-oriented and purposely banal paintings like Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans are now American icons.

When we think of US cities, we think of skyscrapers, those architectural testaments to market forces and American optimism. Chicago is a living museum of high-rise development. New York boasts its fair share of stunners too. Despite increasing homogenization, rural America retains its idiosyncrasies, and distinctive vernacular architectural styles persist in New England (clapboard), California (Spanish Mission) and New Mexico (adobe).

American sports developed separately from the rest of the world and, consequently, homegrown games such as baseball, football and basketball dominate the sports scene. Soccer and ice hockey are runners-up to the Big Three. Urban America also invented the great indoors: aerobics and the gym, indoor skiing and rock-climbing - examples of what can go wrong when too much disposable income hits up against too little leisure time.

4. 我们中学生目前学的是英式英语还是美式英语


5. 现在的初中,高中学的是英式英语还是美式英语


6. 中学生学的是美式英语还是英式英语


7. 现在学生学的主要是美式英语还是英式英语


1. 阿卡索的师资力量非常的强大,全球10000+外教,英语口音纯正地道,而且很多外教都是深耕成人英语培训多年,有很好的英语教学方式,外教教学对于口语更好针对性,能培养好的英语口语和语感。
2. 阿卡索采用一对一教学,相比其他的学习方式,一对一教学对于个人的基础更为透彻,能够让的英语短板在短时间内得到质的飞越,因此对于英语学习更有针对性。
3. 阿卡索的教学方式比较方便,采用在线英语学习,非常适合上班族学习英语,只要有网络,不论在哪都能够学习英语,很省心也省力。
4. 阿卡索的售后服务有保障,不满意,可以申请换老师,或者退款,解决后顾之忧,所以比较可靠,这就是我选择阿卡索的原因之一了。

8. 一个美国中学生英语作文

The American music instry is the world's most powerful and pervasive, though groundswell movements remain the driving force of American pop. African Americans' influence, including blues, jazz and hip-hop, can hardly be exaggerated.

Rap, America's inner-city sound, places an equal emphasis on an ultraheavy beat, sound montage, street cred and macho posturing. Its appeal to middle-class white America will no doubt

9. 现在烟台芝罘区的中学生学的是美式英语吗




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