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发布时间:2021-02-11 16:42:49

A. 中学生如何放松,减轻压力 英语作文


B. 围绕面对学习压力如何放松自己写一篇中学生英语作文

面对压力 学会放松自己 现代社会的高效率,必然带来高竞争性和高挑战性。每个人做事情都力求最好、最完美。恰似滚雪球,必须勇往直前,愈推愈滚愈大.但若中途停下,雪球会慢慢消失,这就是二十一世纪对人才的要求。“白天图生存,晚上求发展。”面对来自社会各方面的压力,总听见有人感慨:太累了!太忙了!每天上班、下班;学习、考试;作饭、带孩子------生活的节奏太快,让人精神紧张,倍感疲惫,甚至力不从心。长此以往,这样的状态会让人越发感到压抑,透不过气来。人人都在忙,谁有时间来专门制定一些计划,应付各方面的压力,消除疲劳呢?我个人认为:无论生活再苦再累,遇到什么样的难题,你都应该学会在重压之下,找到一块得以安然处之的空地。要知道持久的压力会损害心脏的健康,导致内分泌失调,从而令身体免疫力下降。此外各种疾病无一不与压抑的情绪有关系,后果不堪设想。事实上,消除压力根本不需要你花费多少心思,你完全可以在任何地点,只需要几分钟时间就能将它控制住。这技巧你若常常使用,会收到意想不到的效果。一、第一种方法就是呼吸法:首先你可以利用工作间隙,让自己停下来一小会儿,做一下深呼吸,方法是这样:用极慢的速度用鼻吸气,直达肺部深层,吸满后稍做停顿憋住。直到两肺胀满,再慢慢从口中呼出来,这时你会闻到肺中呼出浊气的味道。这样重复多做几次“换气”,只须5-10分钟。即开发了肺部以往不曾用过的组织,又增加血液的携氧量,改善了心血管系统。同时也舒展了肩膀和全身紧张的肌肉,让你在受到挫折、心情郁闷时能迅速平静下来。二、另一种方法就是分散精力法:当你为做某项工作苦思冥想、毫无良策时;当你为今天的某件事情而心绪烦乱时,不妨坐下来,用心地听一曲喜爱的音乐或看一会儿自己喜爱的书。再或者拿起笔来“狂写”。不拘格式、词语,想写什么就写什么,“笔走龙蛇”之间,你的坏情绪会慢慢得以释放,心态就轻松下来,思路也随之清晰了。再重新思考难解的问题,效果会更好。三、还有一种方法就是快乐行走法:辛苦一天的你别再怕累,从你的沙发上、电视机旁站起来,走出去散步。哪怕只走十分钟,并且在行走时,和同伴讲一段搞笑的段子,或想一想以往那些令人发笑的场景------“哈哈!”大笑两声。即刻会消除全天的疲劳,减轻压力。当然行走的方法要科学,速度要稍快些,步幅适中、脊柱笔直、目视前方、腰身挺拔。每走一步,其身体重心都要沿着脚后跟——脚掌外侧——前脚掌——脚趾顺序移动一次,不要用全脚掌着地。这种走法最大限度地利用了那些以前被“闲置”的肌肉,使其活动起来,让形体健美。伴随途中愉快的心情,会马上提升你的免疫力,令人通体畅快。虽然我们每日很忙很忙,但我们也不要早上就被紧张的心情缠绕,象上了发条的钟。要学会适时放松自己,利用每天的开始和结束之时,只需短短的几分钟,你的身心就会得到很好的休息,情绪会变的高昂,工作效率也随之提高。日子久了,你会对这种释压法爱不释手的。

C. 中学生面对压力如何放轻松心情 英语作文

Nowadays, it seems most middle school students are under pressures because of their heavy school work and parents' high expectations. First, the students should be allowed to watch some TV shows such as "I Am A Singer", for this kind of program can entertain students' life and many of them like to sing in order to relax themselves. In addition, parents should often take them outside in their free time so that they can breath fresh air and therefore have a more clear mind to study. Last of all, the students can also go to the theaters with their friends or just go to a mall for shopping. All these suggestions are what the students really want to do behind their studies. They need parents and teachers to understand their true thoughts.

D. 英语作文:1.初中生面临的压力2.我经历过的压力3.缓解压力的做法, 最好有翻译

Nowadays students are facing many pressures .For example theyshould learn many skills or prepare for tests.
As for me,I used not to finish my homework until 12o'clock.Iwas very tired.
In this condition,we had better relax ourself to releave pressure.Listening to music or playing sports are both good ways.

E. 英语作文学生压力太大看法议论文80词左右带翻译

Coping with Pressure
Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.
Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can't be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and ring the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others' help.

F. 现在中学生普遍记得压力大的英语作文的提纲

As everyone knows,stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.As the pace of modern life continues to increase,we are always feeling on the go from morning till night.And it is hard to slow down.It seems to us that everyone around us is aggressive.Therefore,whatever one does,he feels under stress all the time.It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in a competitive society.

G. 求英语作文 关于青少年压力的 100词左右

Stress in Modern Life
As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. It seems to us that everyone around us is aggressive. Therefore, whatever one does, he feels under stress all the time. It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in a competitive society.求采纳

H. (急)关于压力的英语作文120词左右

What I do to be a good student and be prepared for every test and exam is to relax, with exercises, breathing or music. I've discovered that relaxation has improved my memory, creativity and learning abilities.

This is my favorite relaxation book The Secret Art of Seamm Jasani: 58 Movements for Eternal Youth from Ancient Tibet, whose special movements and exercises let me relaxed but active, revitalized to go ahead with the study. It gives me, in one word, energy!

The other very useful stuff is to listen to some very good and relaxed light music, such as The Book of Secrets

I. 一篇关于减轻压力的中学生英语作文

The advantages and disadvantages of making up a missed lesson
Make up a missed lesson is many students choose to ascend grades of important ways, is also the commonly used method, can make up a missed lesson learned knowledge to review, deepen, prevent forgotten. If excellent students make up a missed lesson, can assure result not to drop, more and more outstanding; For bad grades for students, it can ascend results, is that many parents and students' performance enhancing primary choice.
At the same time make up a missed lesson also exists some bad influence. Students for ascension results spend most of my time spent on make-up, often do not and extracurricular knowledge contact, cause for the final in-class knowledge skilled, for extracurricular practice unfamiliar, and make up a missed lesson will also give students at school, at ordinary times the pressure for example, after-school also spent in study energy, to students, only the correct understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of make-up, make enough psychological preparation, and is willing to make up missed lesson, so that make up a missed lesson can play its real effect.



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