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发布时间:2021-01-27 16:41:09

『壹』 谁有青岛市2014年初中学生学业考试英语的答案,>3<急求!!!

1. ______ Father’s Day is coming. Jerry will buy a new wallet for his father. A. A
A. little A. because A. twelve — It’s three miles. A. How far A. Stays A. sound A. crispy A. took
A. get on A. girl
B. How long
C. How big D. How high
D. To stay D. throat D. sour D. missed D. depend on
6. ______ away from the lake, boys. It is deep.
B. Stay C. Staying B. noise B. sweet B. caught B. keep on
C. voice C. salty C. saw C. hold on
7. It’s better to keep your ______ down in public places even if you’re with your friends. 8. The potato chips have been in the paper bag for half an hour. They are not ______ any more. 9. I ______ the school bus this morning. Luckily, Tony’s father gave me a ride.
10. Children these days ______ their parents too much. They should learn how to look after themselves. 11. There is a nice picture in the little ______ bedroom. She likes it very much.
B. girls C. girl’s D. girls’ B. An B. a little B. so B. twelfth
C. The C. few C. and
D. / D. a few D. but
2. There is only ______ yogurt left. We need to buy some more. 3. Peter can play the guitar, ______ he can’t play it very well. 4. Alice felt happy to receive some gifts on ______ birthday.
C. the twelfth D. next
5. — ______ is it from your home to school?
英语试题 第1页(共8页)

12. — What do you think of the trip to Yunnan? — It’s ______ trip I’ve ever had.
A. the most excited A. successful
B. more excited
C. the most exciting
D. more exciting D. succeed
13. The students arrived at the top of the mountain ______ two hours later.
B. successfully C. success
14. — Where is Jenny?
— I’m not sure. She ______ in the school library.
A. maybe
B. must be B. with, friendship B. send
B. will practice
C. may be C. on, friends C. sends C. is practicing
D. will be D. in, friendly D. will send D. has practiced
15. Everyone likes Lisa. She always speaks ______ a ______ way. A. in, friend
A. sent A. practiced
16. Robert turned on the computer and ______ an e-mail to his friend.

『贰』 山东省,青岛市关于学业水平测试合格率,优秀率的要求各市多少




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