㈠ 高中毕业生出国留学,高中老师写的推荐信
Sir or Madam:
It is a pleasure for me to provide an evaluation in support of the application of Mr. Cai Yubiao, whom I have known for six years and taught English for three years in middle school. Later I acted as counselor of his class and he became my friend. I have full understanding of him in many aspects and I can say responsibly that he is a rare excellent student our school has proced.
Mr. Cai impressed first of all with his distinguished scholastic performance and his all-round development. He is almost a hero-like character on the campus. He is widely recognized, for his rank of always being one of the top five in various tests and exams, for his well-balanced development in all fields, for his broad horizon which is rarely found in other students. As a result, he had been conferred with the title of "Student of Excellence" for three consecutive years, the highest honor in most Chinese high schools. His mastery of computer science, which is far above school requirement and even higher than some of the college students, is most talked about and admired by both the school faculty and students. What especially surprised me is that his tutor in the computer contest told me that he obtained such achievement solely through his painstaking self-ecation. It is already beyond his teachers to offer him any advanced knowledge.
It is undeniable that Mr. Cai is very talented. But he achieved succeeded not simply out of his talents but more out of his diligence. When he first entered the 7th grade, he was just an average student. Now, he is especially admired for his piles of achievements in various highest-level contests and competitions. The prizes such as 1st place winner in National Olympics for Informatics, 2nd place winner in National Olympics for Mathematics, 3rd place winner in Provincial Olympics for Chemistry are only a few of the items. The reason for such a drastic improvement is that he has mastered effective learning methods which enhanced his scholastic aptitudes. Comment in common about him is that he is a person with a tightly packed schele that is scientifically and reasonably made. "Less time, better work" or "Play while play, work while work" is what many of his peers describe of him jealously. He is so impressive for his well-planned and efficient studies. A colleague of mine once told me that a boy living in the opposite building would read English aloud for two hours every evening and play half an hour badminton and then go to bed. She said she very much appreciate the persistence of such a student. This student is Mr. Cai and my colleague's description has convincingly explained why Mr. Cai excels his classmates in English.
Being enthusiastic about his work, earnest in learning, he is also full of passion and initiative. What has always been talked about among the school faculty is about the days when Chai Yibiao squeezed out time to search through the web for teaching materials and worked deep into the nights to integrate them into multimedia animations and other forms of teaching aids and this proct is now well-kept as a token of the valuable friendship between teacher and student, also the achievement made by students now being repeatedly used in class. For the past 6 years, together with his classmates, Mr. Cai often paid visits to the community welfare center to extend greetings and best wishes to the old people. He is also ever ready to show his love and care to each classmate.
As a matter of fact, he has been tutoring one of them in a one-to-one manner for a non-stop three years, for as much as 5 hours a week, which has now been an anecdote in the school.
Rather than score-oriented, he does equally well in after-school activities. The tutor of his extracurricular astronomy project recalled when Mr. Cai first joined the project as a 4th grader in primary school, he looked very small. When asked "Will you feel afraid to make observations deep into night in the wilderness?" he answered with courage: "Not in the least." By now, he has made 8-year efforts to do astronomical observations, even ring the final year of his senior middle school when the coursework is so heavy. In other related aspects, Mr. Cai led his class's volleyball team to win the championship in the all-school man's volleyball league match and he himself won several first prizes in the long- and medium-distance running events at the school's sports meet. He represented our school at the two major English speech tests, one provincial-level and the other municipal-level, in which he won the 4th prize and first prize respectively.
In a word, he is a remarkable person. Not only his intelligence, but his maturity and willingness to help other people are really unusual, especially among high school seniors. Of course, he is by no means perfect. As a student of less than 20 years old, he has great potential to be tapped.
Therefore, he needs to be put into a more challenging environment to enrich and improve himself. An outstanding student needs an excellent academic environment and I believe that your esteemed university will surely provide the best study conditions.
At the same time,I strongly believe he will make a great learner, scholar and hopefully, a great man. I sincerely wish that his application could be most seriously and favorably considered.
㈡ 谁能帮忙写一下 高中老师写给学生的出国留学推荐信
㈢ 高中去留学的老师推荐信和学生自我介绍范本~~~
XXX同学,女,19XX年X月X日出生,于200X年9月至今在我校就读高中课程,现为我校高一(X)班在读学生。该学生在校学习期间,勤奋学习,尊敬老师,团结同学,遵守纪律,各方面表现良好。高中一年级上学期(09/200X – X/200X)成绩如下:
This is to certify that student XXX, female, was born on XXst XXXX 19XX, has been studying the senior middle school program in our school from September 200X till now, she is currently a student of Senior Grade One Class XX. She performs well in every aspect that includes studying instriously, showing respects to teachers, getting along well with classmates and observing disciplines of the school. Following is her official transcript of the first term of Senior Grade one(09/200X-XX/2008):
科目 语文 数学 英语 政治 物理 化学
subject Chinese Mathematics English Politics Physics Chemistry
历史 地理 生物
History Geography Biology
XXXXXXXX No.1 Middle School
㈣ 有没有高中老师写的留学推荐信~谢谢
㈤ 我想要一份推荐信,出国留学用的,是以老师的口吻写的,推荐学生在学校的活动和工作情况,谢谢!!
Sir or Madam:
It is a pleasure for me to provide an evaluation in support of the application of Mr. Cai Yubiao, whom I have known for six years and taught English for three years in middle school. Later I acted as counselor of his class and he became my friend. I have full understanding of him in many aspects and I can say responsibly that he is a rare excellent student our school has proced.
Mr. Cai impressed first of all with his distinguished scholastic performance and his all-round development. He is almost a hero-like character on the campus. He is widely recognized, for his rank of always being one of the top five in various tests and exams, for his well-balanced development in all fields, for his broad horizon which is rarely found in other students. As a result, he had been conferred with the title of "Student of Excellence" for three consecutive years, the highest honor in most Chinese high schools. His mastery of computer science, which is far above school requirement and even higher than some of the college students, is most talked about and admired by both the school faculty and students. What especially surprised me is that his tutor in the computer contest told me that he obtained such achievement solely through his painstaking self-ecation. It is already beyond his teachers to offer him any advanced knowledge.
It is undeniable that Mr. Cai is very talented. But he achieved succeeded not simply out of his talents but more out of his diligence. When he first entered the 7th grade, he was just an average student. Now, he is especially admired for his piles of achievements in various highest-level contests and competitions. The prizes such as 1st place winner in National Olympics for Informatics, 2nd place winner in National Olympics for Mathematics, 3rd place winner in Provincial Olympics for Chemistry are only a few of the items. The reason for such a drastic improvement is that he has mastered effective learning methods which enhanced his scholastic aptitudes. Comment in common about him is that he is a person with a tightly packed schele that is scientifically and reasonably made. "Less time, better work" or "Play while play, work while work" is what many of his peers describe of him jealously. He is so impressive for his well-planned and efficient studies. A colleague of mine once told me that a boy living in the opposite building would read English aloud for two hours every evening and play half an hour badminton and then go to bed. She said she very much appreciate the persistence of such a student. This student is Mr. Cai and my colleague's description has convincingly explained why Mr. Cai excels his classmates in English.
Being enthusiastic about his work, earnest in learning, he is also full of passion and initiative. What has always been talked about among the school faculty is about the days when Chai Yibiao squeezed out time to search through the web for teaching materials and worked deep into the nights to integrate them into multimedia animations and other forms of teaching aids and this proct is now well-kept as a token of the valuable friendship between teacher and student, also the achievement made by students now being repeatedly used in class. For the past 6 years, together with his classmates, Mr. Cai often paid visits to the community welfare center to extend greetings and best wishes to the old people. He is also ever ready to show his love and care to each classmate.
As a matter of fact, he has been tutoring one of them in a one-to-one manner for a non-stop three years, for as much as 5 hours a week, which has now been an anecdote in the school.
Rather than score-oriented, he does equally well in after-school activities. The tutor of his extracurricular astronomy project recalled when Mr. Cai first joined the project as a 4th grader in primary school, he looked very small. When asked "Will you feel afraid to make observations deep into night in the wilderness?" he answered with courage: "Not in the least." By now, he has made 8-year efforts to do astronomical observations, even ring the final year of his senior middle school when the coursework is so heavy. In other related aspects, Mr. Cai led his class's volleyball team to win the championship in the all-school man's volleyball league match and he himself won several first prizes in the long- and medium-distance running events at the school's sports meet. He represented our school at the two major English speech tests, one provincial-level and the other municipal-level, in which he won the 4th prize and first prize respectively.
In a word, he is a remarkable person. Not only his intelligence, but his maturity and willingness to help other people are really unusual, especially among high school seniors. Of course, he is by no means perfect. As a student of less than 20 years old, he has great potential to be tapped.
Therefore, he needs to be put into a more challenging environment to enrich and improve himself. An outstanding student needs an excellent academic environment and I believe that your esteemed university will surely provide the best study conditions.
At the same time,I strongly believe he will make a great learner, scholar and hopefully, a great man. I sincerely wish that his application could be most seriously and favorably considered.
㈥ 求一高中老师的推荐信。
㈦ 老师对学生的英文推荐信
Dear Sir/Madam:
As a teacher at xxxx school, I am writing to provide you a recommendation for Miss/Mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid.
Considered a promising student with originality and sophistication in her/his thinking, (she/he was asked, in the spring semester of 1999, to develop a subsystem of a DBMS project for her B.S.thesis, for which I was the chief leader. T
his subsystem was designed to manage the information of materials in NO.1 Fo
undry Plant of Dongfeng Auto Works.To do the job, she/he read many books about software engineering and took some courses in Database Principles and Management. Keenly aware that the design of a DBMS decides the quality of the whole software system, she did her/his utmost from the beginning of the project.)这段写下你自己参加过的活动. From analyzing user’s requirements to designing the whole system, from the detailed designing to the final programming, she was very level-headed and full of innovation every step of the way. Taking full advantage of her ability and creativity, she firmly focused herself on her objective and gnored all distractions. She successfully reached her goal. In the final software testing, only a few bugs were found in her subsystem. My appreciation of her talelent was thus confirmed.Miss is a very personable woman, friendly and helpful, and she has always been a team player in her work.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could give her application for candidac
y to your Ph.D. program favorable consideration. Should you need any further information in your deliberation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
㈧ 老师怎么样给学生写推荐信
㈨ 老师怎么样给学生写推荐信 详细
给学生复写推荐信我制认为要写得恰如其分。既然推荐就一定会夸 奖,但不能过分溢美学生,否则就降低了推荐信可信度,会给学生 带来不好的后果。 写推荐信的老师,应当了解学生。推荐信要能刻画出学生的个 性。一个内向的学生,不一定非要符合“性格开朗、热情大方”的 样板,也可以“为人真诚、做事踏实”。一个英语水平不高的学 生,可能具有用音乐天赋。一个平素里缺课较多的学生,可能已经 在小报上发表了若干文章。不了解的学生,我是不肯写推荐信的。 决不会仅在他们发来的个人介绍后面随便签一个名。至少要聊一会 天,相一下面。 业。语言类的专业,就不需要特别的运动才能。转专业的学生,对 方一定希望“具有很强的自学能力和适应能力”。对于求职的推荐 学生就业和升学,也应当比照学生的性格是否适合申请。不了 解学生的性格而盲目申请,既浪费了时间,又是对学生一种不负责任的表现。 更多推荐信范文: 更多范文,敬请登陆范文大全网(fanwen.glzy8.com)!