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发布时间:2021-02-01 11:21:50

㈠ 英语作文 远离网吧

1 middle school students into Internet cafes are more harm than good.
2 According to the survey, students enter Internet cafes mainly to play games, and some even look at some of the unhealthy things.
3, some students play all night, seriously affecting the health and learning.
4 secondary school students should take advantage of the time, study hard.
5 appeal to middle school students to stay away from Internet cafes.

㈡ 写一篇关于中考远离网吧的英语作文

1. Surfing the Internet is wasting time and money, neglecting studies and youth.
2. The Internet is full of unhealthy things
3. It's bad for you eyes to spend too much time on line.
4. Keeping away from the Internet bar is a correct choice for juvenile
Recently, more and more students would like to go to net bars, especially students. It has become quite commom to go there. They waste too much precious time on playing video games in the net bar. As a result, not only does it do harm to their health but also proces a bad effect on their studies. Their health becomes worse and worse and their studies are neglected. Now a lot of net bars have been shut down in Beijing. But some students go to the net bars at suburbs to play.
Fortunately, more and more parents and schools have realized it. Recently, more than six thousand students ensured that they would be far away from net bars in Jinzhou city, Liaoning Province. Most students are making full use of their time and devoting themselves to their studies. It is a good thing.

㈢ 跪求一篇珍爱健康,远离网吧的初中英语作文


㈣ 写一篇提倡中学生远离网吧的英语作文,题目,be away from the internet bars

Stay away from the internet bars because it is not good for your study, or even bad for your health.
I used to be some top-grade student in my class. But that changed after I learned how to enjoy myself by playing games in the internet bars. Before I went there, I promised to myself that I would stay in the internet bar for 2 hours after school and then went back directly to home to do the homework. But once I entered the internet bar, it was really hard for me to realize how quickly the time flied, and I could easily spent 3 to 4 hours in the internet bar sitting in front of the computer, wearing a headphone, staring at the screen without 1 second rest. After a whole week's time in the internet bar, I fell ill and could not go to school for classes. During that time, I stayed in bed, but my mind was still in the games instead of study my English, math, Chinese at all. That certainly leads to a kind of poor grades for the last semester, and I could not explain to my parents what I did in school or after school.
Now I have decided not to go to the internet bar any more, and I have gone back to my normal life, studying hard in school hours and playing football with friends after school.
Stay away from the internet bar if you can.

㈤ 写一篇80词左右的英语作文题目远离网吧


㈥ 远离网吧的英语作文

1. Surfing the Internet is wasting time and money, neglecting studies and youth.
2. The Internet is full of unhealthy things
3. It's bad for you eyes to spend too much time on line.
4. Keeping away from the Internet bar is a correct choice for juvenile



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