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發布時間:2021-03-04 18:38:37

㈠ 中小學的大課間是什麼時間


㈡ 緊急求中學大課間放的音樂,要活躍的,適合中學生

美麗新世界 S.H.E

園游會 周傑倫

再見小時候 南拳媽媽(強力推薦~)

稻香 周傑倫

香草吧噗 南拳媽媽

浮雲 張韶涵

把心拉近 吳克群


㈢ 今年,某中學開設了「足球大課間」活動,現需要購進

沒有給具體數據的話只能用a表示了吧。足:a 籃球:1.5a 一共:a+1.5a=2.5a 籃比足多:1.5a-a=0.5a

㈣ 給建議,中學生大課間舞蹈

拉丁不行,普通的廣播體操?或者街舞《我最紅》、《lupin》,網上有版舞蹈教學~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦權啦! 希望選我~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

㈤ 燈塔市實驗中學2015年大課間播放的英文歌曲

P.D.A. (We Just Don't Care) - John Legend
Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't care
You know I love you when you're loving me
Sometimes it's better when it's publicly

I'm not ashamed, I don't care who sees
Us hugging & kissing our love exhibition all
We'll rendezvous out on the fire escape
I'd like to set off an alarm today
The love emergency don't make me wait
Just follow I'll lead you
I urgently need you
Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't
Let's make love
Let's go somewhere they might discover us
Let's get lost in lust
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't care
I see you closing down the restaurant
Let's sneak and do it when your boss is gone
Everybody's leaving we'll have some fun
Or maybe it's wrong but you're turning me on
Ooh, we'll take a visit to your Mama's house
Creep to the bedroom while your Mama's out
Maybe she'll hear it when we scream and shout
And we'll keep it rocking until she comes knocking

Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't
Let's make love
Let's go somewhere they might discover us
Let's get lost in lust
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't care
If we keep up on this fooling around
We'll be the talk of the town
I'll tell the world I'm in love any time
Let's open up the blinds 'cause we really don't mind
Ooh I don't care about the propriety
Let's break the rules and ignore society
Maybe our neighbors like to spy, it's true
So what if they watch when we do what we do
Oh, let's go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't
Let's make love
Let's go somewhere they might discover us

㈥ 中學大課間室內游戲有什麼

激情再現 變形金剛之超能勇士v1.0 五星級縱版空戰游戲 天怒戰記 超爽空戰游戲 霹靂特工組之天火 不一樣的西遊記游戲 逗戰勝佛 勝利進行曲丨 v1.03 爽快射擊 終極殺戮之使命的

㈦ 中學大課間活動方案




㈧ 學軍中學大課間的歌

是愛河叭 我一看就知道了



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