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發布時間:2021-02-16 01:54:41

1. 衡陽成章實驗中學2014初三模擬中考第二階段英語試題答案 -

哭過抄交流和客戶邏輯框架, 開機幾乎uijyijythuhjut結婚太古匯集體戶結果後天一天結合體並與國內好吧回家哈哈姐姐哈結婚後結婚姐姐合格後付哥哥好 呵呵回家個飛好個個哈哈幹活 觀後感好乾活幹活觀後感活干好乾活幹活個幹活個合格非國有股還結婚結婚改天有太陽幹活好好高級空間環境

2. 英語初三試卷

21 c

3. 湖北省荊州市沙市實驗中學9年級英語試題


4. 初三英語試卷

2,it is about to take me half an hour from here to my school.
3.I like those people who make me feel happy.
4 It's good for our health to eat vegetables.
5He needs to exercise every day.
6Today our lunch is French fries.
7considering students' health, they improved the school diet.
8If you want to be healthy, don't give up exercise
9Guess what, I just came across our team's new captain
10Children eat junk food in, this is a question.
11This is the house my grandfather visited last year .
12the boy on the right side is my brother
13I think I have a chance of getting the job.
14I have a camel with bad temper.
15Their favorite game is cricket and rugby
16Their family life are similar to ours.
17I bought a new pair of shoes, which is similar to the old one.
18Their situation is similar to ours.
19Even if he studied hard, he won't pass the exam
20i stand on the right side of my English teacher .
21That is the car you bought a couple of days before ?
22This is the city's best hospitals as far as I know.
23The students behaved bad when they were having class

5. 泰興實驗初級中學年10月份初三英語月考試卷

濟川南校的... 飄過,跟我無關

6. 河南省實驗中學九年級英語試卷


......2.What season is it now?A.Autumn. B.Winter. C.Spring.3.When did Louis set the world record?A.In 1990. B.In 1992. C.In 1999.4.What sport d ...高三上學期期中試卷,高三上學期期中考試......2.What season is it now?A.Autumn. B.Winter. C.Spring.3.When did Louis set the world record?A.In 1990. B.In 1992. C.In 1999.4.What sport d ...


......從A、B、C、D四個選項中初中生物試卷附答案,河南省成人高考試卷選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。21.It was a pity that Alfart died his task incomplete .A.for B.with C.from D.of ...


7. 實驗中學八年級2018年3月月考英語試卷




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