Ⅰ 2015重慶中考abc卷是怎麼劃分的
Ⅱ 2020中考生做2015-2017年的中考和一模二模卷子還有用嗎
Ⅲ 求2015年英語中考模擬試題匯編第3,4頁的閱讀翻譯。
On February 3rd,1949,New York Harbor(港) was an exciting place.Many people were
there to greet a ship from France.On the ship were 49 French railroad
boxcars(火車車廂) filled with gifts from the people of France to the people of
America.These boxcars were from the famous Merci Train (Merci,a French word
meaning "thank you").
After world War Ⅱ(二戰),a lot of factories,roads and farms in France had been
destroyed.Many French people had no jobs or money and had little to wear and
little to eat.In the winter of 1947,a train was sent across the United
States,stopping in cities and towns along the way.At every stop,people gave
whatever they could.Factories gave clothing and medicine.Farmers gave
food.Families gave money.Even school children gave away their pocket
money(零用錢).All the things were then taken to France by ship.
By 1949,the French had begun to recover(恢復) from the war.The Merci Train
was their way of saying "thank you" to America.French people had filled the
boxcars with gifts.Most of them were personal,like hand-made toys,children's
drawings,or postcards.But the boxcars themselves were perhaps the most
meaningful of the gifts.On each car,the French people had painted the pictures
of all their 40 provinces,with an American eagle on the front.The boxcars were
taken to each state of America,where they were warmly greeted.
Now many of the states still keep their boxcars.Gifts sent by the French
people can still be seen in some museums.The Merci Train came out of the war,but
it now reminds the world that countries can also work together in peace(和平).
( ) 1.Many people crowded at New York Harbor on February 3rd,1949 to
A.welcome the Merci Train
B.meet their families
C.have a big party
D.start a trip by ship
( ) 2.In 1947,a train stopped in cities across America in order to
A.give away clothing and food
B.get more soldiers for the war
C.collect things to help French people
D.show exhibitions from the museums
( ) 3.The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 3 refers to(指) ________.
A.the American people
B.the French people
C.the boxcars
D.the gifts
( ) 4.The French people painted their 40 provinces and an American eagle on
each boxcar because _______.
A.they thought France was stronger than America
B.it could show the friendship between the two countries
C.the boxcars would be more beautiful
D.they were very good at painting pictures
( ) 5.The passage is mainly about _______.
A.the story of the Merci Train
B.American museums where the boxcars are kept
C.gifts that American people liked
D.World War Ⅱ
1.A 根據第一段內容我們可知許多人來到 New York Harbor 的目的是為了歡迎來自法國的 Merci Train,故正確答案為
2.C 根據「At every stop,people gave whatever they could... All the things were
then taken to France by ship.」可以推測出正確答案為 C。
3.D 根據第三段第三句和第四句的 personal,like hand-made toys...」可知 them 指代的是 gifts,故正確答案為
4.B 根據「...the French people had painted the pictures of all their 40
provinces,...where they were warmly greeted.」可以推測出正確答案為 B。
5.A 通過文章內容我們可知整篇文章都是圍繞 Merci Train 來寫的,故正確答案為 A。
In most cultures,when you meet people you know for the first time ring a
day,it is usual to greet them.Once a young woman from England went to Hong Kong
to work.When she first arrived,she knew little about the Chinese culture of
language.On her way to school one day,she went to a bank to get some money.To
her surprise,the bank clerk asked her if she had had her lunch.She was surprised
at such a question because in the British culture it would mean an invitation to
lunch.Between unmarried young people it can also mean the young man's interest
in dating the girl.Since this bank clerk was a stranger to the British woman,she
was very puzzled,and quickly answered that she had eaten already.After this she
went on to school and was even more surprised when one of the teachers asked her
the same question.
By now she understood that it could not be an invitation but was puzzled as
to why they asked it.In the following days she was asked the same question again
and again and she spent many hours trying to work out why so many people kept
asking her this.At last she thought that these people must be concerned
about(關心) her health.She was rather thin at the time,and she thought they must
be worrying that she was not eating well!
In fact the question like that has no real meaning at all — it is only a
( ) 1.The young British woman went to Hong Kong for work.
( ) 2.The British woman went to the bank to get some money.
( ) 3.The bank clerk invited the young British woman to lunch.
( ) 4.The teacher's question made the British woman happy.
( ) 5.In fact the young British woman didn't know much about Chinese
1.T 根據「Once a young woman from England...」可知這年輕英國婦女是來香港工作的,故此句表述是正確的。
2.T 根據「...she went to a bank to get some money.」可知此句表述是正確的。
3.F 通過本文最後一句我們可以了解到,在中國問別人「吃了嗎」是表問候,而不一定是真正的想請人吃飯。故此句的錯誤的。
4.F 根據「After this she went on to school and was even more
5.T 根據文章內容我們知道,這位英國婦女對中國文化不是很了解,所以對「if she had had her lunch」產生困惑。
My brother,Henry,has a good job at a bank.I couldn't believe him when he
told me that he had decided to give it up.Though I tried to make him change his
mind,I failed completely.
"You should reconsider your decision," I said,"You have already spent five
years in the bank and you could have a wonderful future.You might become a bank
manager by the time you are thirty-five."
"I know," Henry answered,"I have got no complaints with the bank.It is a
pleasant job.The bank manager told me my future was good."
"Then why do you want to leave?" I asked.
"It's the money," Henry said.
"But you are getting a good salary." I answered.
"I don't mean that," Henry said,"What do I do in the bank? Well,at the
moment all I do is to count money.I found it very depressing."
"What is depressing about counting money?" I asked.
"You don't understand," Henry answered,"I enjoying counting my own
money,but I hate counting other people's!"
( ) 1.The writer wants to know ________.
A.what his brother does at the bank.
B.how long his brother has worked at the bank
C.why his brother has decided to leave the bank
D.when his brother will become a bank manager
( ) 2.His brother does not enjoy ________.
A.working in pleasant conditions
B.keeping happy hours
C.counting his own money
D.counting other people's money
( ) 3.You should reconsider your decision.Here the word "reconsider" means
A.think of
C.think over again
D.think better of
( ) 4.From the writer's words we know the bank pays his brother ________
for his work.
A.a good salary
B.as much money as the manager's
C.no money
D.not much money
( ) 5.The best title for this story is _______.
A.A Good Job
B.The Wonderful Future
C.Money Problem
D.Change In Mind
1.C Henry 在銀行工作,有豐厚的待遇和美好的未來,「我」想知道他為什麼還要辭職。
2.D 從最後一句 hate(討厭) 可知他不喜歡替別人數錢。
3.C 從構詞法可知 re 表重復,「再考慮一下」自己的決定,現在待遇不錯,前途也光明,放棄很可惜。
4.A 由文中「But you are getting a good salary」可知。
5.C 「錢的煩惱」一方面自己薪水很高,但每天又忙著替別人數錢而不是替自己數錢,給他的兄弟帶來心理的不平衡,這些錢不是他自己的。
Ⅳ 2015重慶中考b卷語文材料2作文怎麼寫
重慶市2008年初中畢業生學業暨高中招生考試語文試題參考答案及評分意見一、 語文知識及運用(30分) 1.(共3分)C(涸hé) 2.(共3分)D(A.皎潔 充耳不聞B.喧鬧 因地制宜C.震撼 籠統) 3.(共3分)B(A.別具匠心:別有一種巧妙的心思,多指文學藝術方面創造性的構思C.頭暈目眩:頭發暈眼睛發花D.懷古傷今:追念古代的人和事,為現在的人和事而萬事感傷。) 4.(共4分)(1)刪去「應該」或「必須」;(2)在句末加上「的對象」(或「的人」);(3)將「走進」改為「翻開」,或將「一頁」改為「天地」(意合即可);(4)應將「無數的」放到「生靈」前。(每處1分) 5.(共4分)比喻恰當,表意清楚,言之成理即可。示例①欣賞是一抹陽光,催開含苞的花蕾。示例②:欣賞是一盞明燈,照亮前進的方向。(比喻恰當2分,表意清楚2分) 6.(共3分)(1)蘇軾 宋代 (2)魯迅(每空1分,有錯別字該空不得分) 7.(共10分)(1)(共3分)評分意見:抓住每個主題詞特有的意蘊來評述(2分);語言表達清楚(1分)。意合即可。 示例①:「我們都是一家人」,表達出湖南人民與災區人民手足情深,骨肉相連,共同抗擊災難的情意。 示例②:「情系汶川」表達出浙江人民惦記、關注災區人民,並以實際行動支援災區的深情。 示例③:「血脈相連,眾志成城」,「血脈相連」表達了上海人民與災區人民血濃於水的深厚情感;「眾志成城」表達了上海人民與災區人民團結一心,用堅強的意志抗擊災難,奪取最後勝利的決心。 示例④:「我們一起走過」,表達出重慶人民與災區人民心手相連,共渡難關的真情。(2)(共3分)評分意見:內容合理,情真意切(2分);語言通順(1分);抄襲試卷語句不得分。(3)(共4分)材料二引用人物的典型語言來作為標題(2分),材料三運用修辭手法,抓住關鍵信息來擬標題(2分)二.古詩文積累與閱讀(25分)(一)8.默寫填空(共10分,每空1分,有錯漏字該空不得分)(1)學而不能思則罔(2)天涯若比鄰(3)夢回吹角連營(4)沉舟側畔千帆過(5)春蠶到絲方盡(6)似曾相識燕歸來(7)不畏浮雲遮望眼,自(只)緣身在最高層(8)忽如一夜春風來,千樹萬枝梨花開(二)文言文閱讀(15分) 9.(共4分)(1)名:有名(或「出名」「著名」「成了名山」)(2)鴻:大(3)調:調弄,這里指彈奏(4)絲竹:琴瑟簫管等樂器,這里泛指奏樂的聲音(每題1分) 10.(共4分)(1)這是簡陋的房子,只是我的品德好就不感到簡陋了。(或「這間簡陋的房子,好就好在主人有美好的德行」)(2)苔痕碧綠,長到階上;草色青蔥,映入簾內(或「苔蘚給石階鋪上綠毯,芳草將簾內映得碧青」)(每小題2分,其中每小句1分) 11.(共3分)D(「陋室」不陋的原因在於屋主人品德高尚) 12.(共4分)開放性試題,言之成理即可。示例①:這種交友方式可取,我們就是要與那些有知識有學問的人交往,這樣才能不斷進步。示例②:這種交友方式不可取,他自命清高,看不起平民百姓。三、現代文閱讀(40分)(一)(22分) 13.(共4分)在女兒心中,雪花是媽媽變成的,通過看雪找到與媽媽的聯系,以此懷念媽媽。(意合即可) 14.(共3分)引出下文(或「承上啟下」,1分),由「看雪」的描繪轉入對媽媽的回憶(如答成「愛雪原因的記述」也可)(2分)。或:為後文寫她媽媽離世(2分)作鋪墊(1分)。 15.(共7分)(1)(4分)①變抽象為具體(答成「形象生動」也可,1分)表現出父親對女兒夢想的呵護,對女兒的愛(1分);②用擬人的手法賦予雪以生命,表達出女兒對母親的愛,展示出女兒純潔的心靈(2分,三點答到一點給1分,答到兩點即給滿分)。(意合即可)(2)(3分)人生有再大的不幸(或「困難」、「磨難」,扣「夜黑」。1分),只要我們擁有純潔的心靈(扣「雪白」。1分),我們就能樂觀面對,就能戰勝不幸(扣住「壓」。1分)(意合即可) 16.(共4分)①象徵母親美好的形象②象徵純潔的心靈。(每點2分) 17.(共4分)評分意見:聯系兩位母親的信來談,話題不偏離母愛(1分);有具體感受(1分);聯系實際(1分);語言表述通順,字數符合要求(1分)。意合即可。 示例:兩位母親的信,讓我認識到母愛的偉大。想到媽媽平時對我的付出,我要說:「媽媽,我愛您!(二)(18分) 18.(共2分)夢幻晶瑩(只答「晶瑩」亦可,1分) 柔美(1分) 19.(共4分)通過打比方,形象生動(2分)地說明「水立方」的晶瑩美麗(2分)。(意合即可) 20.(共4分)不能去掉。(1分)「目前」從時間上進行限制,說明了「水立方」的「ETFE應用工程」只是當前世界上最大的工程。(3分)(意合即可) 21.(共4分)池水覆蓋可減少水蒸發(或「池水覆蓋可節約大量的水」;可收集和循環利用雨水)(每點2分) 22.(共4分)「水立方」的外圍採用新型的環保節能ETFE(聚四氟乙烯)膜材料(2分),有奇妙的自潔功能(或「它們不沾附塵土,風一吹,土就走了」(2分)四、作文(55分)評分說明:類型 內容 結構 語言 卷面一類卷(50-55分) 立意有深度,見解獨特內容充實,選材新穎,感情真摯切合作文要求 構思巧妙結構嚴謹條理清晰 語言生動,有文採用語准確簡潔得體 卷面整潔書寫工整二類卷(44-49分) 中心明確內容具體感情真實符合作文要求 層次分明結構完整 語言流暢用語較准確 卷面整潔書寫規范三類卷(38-43分) 中心基本明確內容比較具體感情較真實不偏離作文要求 層次清楚結構較完整語言通順有個別語病 卷面較整潔書寫較規范四類卷(33-37分) 中心基本明確內容不夠具體 層次較清楚結構較完整 語言基本通順有少量語病 卷面較凌亂書寫較潦草五類卷(0-32分) 中心不明確內容不具體偏離題意 條理不清結構混亂 語句不通順 卷面雜亂字跡不清註:(1)沒有標題扣2分 (2)每3個錯別字扣1分,重現不計,扣到3分為止 (3)每少50字扣1分
Ⅳ 2015 3年中考2年模擬試題及答案
Ⅵ 重慶育才中學中考升學率
Ⅶ 2015中考數學模擬試卷