導航:首頁 > 中學師生 > 中學生目前存在的問題英文


發布時間:2021-01-27 13:17:04

1. 請你用英語就中學生健康問題談談你的看法內容,列舉中小學生面臨的健康問題。請談

lack of sleeping
break the balance of food\
too much stress from studying

2. 以「中學生目前存在的問題」寫一篇英語作文

Club plans of the main activities and forms should be regularly ask an expert to open lectures, solving the students' psychological problems, often organized discussions, exchange learning experience and gain and loss. I like most frequently organizes the discussion learning experience and gain and loss, to the learning and achievement of ascension.


3. 現在中學生面臨的健康問題用英語說

The health problems that middle school studentsnow faced with

4. 中學生目前存在的問題用英語怎麼說

Club plans of the main activities and forms should be regularly ask an expert to open lectures, solving the students' psychological problems, often organized discussions, exchange learning experience and gain and loss. I like most frequently organizes the discussion learning experience and gain and loss, to the learning and achievement of ascension.

5. 急需一篇英語作文關於中學生面臨的健康問題,怎樣保持健康

Now middle school students should keep healthy. First they should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of too much meat or salad. Second they should spend more time in taking exercise in the open air instead of watching TV or sitting before the computer indoors so long. Third they should be friendly and often smile to others so that they can get along well with each other. They should learn to communicate with others so that they can learn to cooperate with others .

6. 現在大多數的中學生都被很多的健康問題所困擾的英語翻譯

Nowadays most of the high school students are plagued by a lot of health problems.

7. 最近政府對中學生的健康問題現狀進行了調查用英文翻譯

Recently, the government has made a survey of health problems of middle school students.

8. 中學生英語聽力中存在的問題

就是多聽,抄多練。去聽力教室: http://www.tingroom.com/非常好的英語聽力網站,裡面小學、初中、高中、大學、4、6級、考研、瘋狂英語、商務英語、VOA、BBC、英文歌曲、帶字幕的原聲電影……聽力材料,視頻都有。很多資料都可以免費下載。去找找吧,肯定能找到你想要的!

9. 寫一篇英語作文關於投訴中學生使用的報紙中存在的問題

Recently,there has been a fierce debate on whether middle school students should be allowed to take cellphones with them . Some students are in favor of it.They hold the opinion that a cellphone is more convenient when they want to get in touch with their parents and friends.What's more ,cellphones give them a lot of pleasure ,from which they can relax themselves. However ,some are against it .They argue that its advantadges far overweight its disadvantadges .First,it is harmful to others if one is using it in class.Second,it costs too much and it may have bad influence on our study .In addition ,they think it not safe to take such an expensive thing to school . (以下為個人觀點,可根據需要決定是否添加) In my opinion,it's no use taking cellphones to shool.We have public phones in our school.We can live the same without cellphones,or maybe even better.



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